Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Daniel Chupp

Ph.D. Student

My research focuses on the development of humanized mouse with a fully functional human immune system. We have designed a novel method of implanting a human immune system into mice that have had their natural immune systems deleted. We have recently characterized their antibody response and are investigating the epigenetic regulation of autoantibody production within a model of lupus, generated in our humanized mice platform. This platform allows for more accurate disease modeling and production of human antibodies, leading to a patent and multiple manuscripts to be submitted for publication within the next few months.


B.S., Biochemistry, Indiana University South Bend, 2015 


2017               Awarded first place poster presentation at the annual Vaccine Development Center of San Antonio Conference.

2018               Passed qualifying examination

2018               Selected to be supported by the Graduate Research in Immunology Program (GRIP) NIH T32 training grant

2019               Awarded first place poster presentation at the annual Vaccine Development Center of San Antonio Conference.

2019               Awarded UT Health San Antonio MIMG department travel award.

2019               Awarded first place poster presentation at the UT Health San Antonio MIMG department retreat.

2019               Awarded second place poster presentation at Mikiten graduate research symposium

2019               Selected to present at the American Association of Immunology annual meeting in San Diego, CA

2019               Selected to be supported by the Graduate Research in Immunology Program (GRIP) NIH T32 training grant

2019               Selected to by faculty as student representative on the new student recruitment committee

2020               Selected to present research at Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science (TAMEST) conference 


Casali, Paolo, Tian Shen, Yijiang Xu, Zhifang Qiu, Daniel P. Chupp, John Im, Zhenming Xu, and Hong Zan. “Estrogen Reverses HDAC Inhibitor-Mediated Repression of Aicda and Class-Switching in Antibody and Autoantibody Responses by Downregulation of MiR-26a.” Frontiers in Immunology 11 (2020).

Gan, Huoqun, Tian Shen, Daniel P. Chupp, Julia R. Taylor, Helia N. Sanchez, Xin Li, Zhenming Xu, Hong Zan, and Paolo Casali. “B Cell Sirt1 Deacetylates Histone and Non-Histone Proteins for Epigenetic Modulation of AID Expression and the Antibody Response.” Science Advances 6, no. 14 (2020).